
MA student gave a lecture in the Chemical Engineering Department

MA student gave a lecture on the study of process to remove harmful organic substances from water refineries in the Chemical Engineering Department

within the events of the scientific and cultural activities for the first semester of the Department of Chemical Engineering for the academic year 2014-2015 MA student, at research phase, (ARIJ Faleh Kadhim) delivered a lecture on her research entitled: (a study of process of removing harmful organic substances from water refineries using solar reactor motivated by catalysts) at Khwarizmi hall in the presence of Scientific deputy prof. Qusay Fadil Abdul and heads of branches and number of Teaching staff and employees and students of the department.

The Student touched on that the solar radiation falling is one of the efficient and cheap sources that recently used to stimulate interactions photochemistry and current research means studying the removal of phenol content in the disbursement of oil refineries water exploiting (Elviraczalat) as a reaction assistant (photo-fenton) catalyst sunlight and that chemical reactions optical are made in the pioneering device consisting of a pipe reactors glass group tied in a row as well as the practical experiences have been designed based on the method (Box-Behnken) and using the following operational variables: liquid flow rate, the concentration of phenol, hydrogen peroxide and the ratio (iron sulfate / acid Alaczalk) the aim of the research is to study the impact of these variables on the performance efficiency of the reactor, as well as to study the kinetics of reactions and get the experimental relationship linking variables efficiently perform the reaction system.

Source: Uot Media

Date :17/12/2014