Department Of Architecture held A Lecture Titled Design Board Presentation



Department of Architecture held an instructive lecture discussing (Design Board Presentation) and the architectural portfolio (Portfolio) considering architectural documentation for students’ project as an universal language.
Global enterprise with international standards for architectural representation
The lecture included the following aspects :
1- Discussing and acknowledging the students with the (IREX- The International Research & Exchanges Board ) grant and the most important events on its sidelines. Submitted by Assistant.Prof.Dr.Wahda Shukur Al-Hinkawi

2- Discussing and acknowledging the students with the (architectural portfolio) with its most important global trends in architectural paintings presentation submitted by :
Lecturer Dr.Shamael Wajih
Lecturer Dr.Aseel Ibrahim
Lecturer Dr.Bashar Shamil

3- Discussing and acknowledging the students with (In Design) program role in the architectural paintings presentation and the preparation of architectural portfolio (Portfolio)
Engineer Hamid Resan
Engineer Sahar Riyadh
With the presence of the Presidency of the Architecture Department , faculty members and the students of the Department, in this lecture many aspects have been discussed and illustrated with examples to show their importance to the students especially , in the fourth and fifth stage and to the requirements of the labor market in the future.
The lecture followed by a workshop with the participation of professors and students to practice the according to the current students’ projects.